BigObject Setup for fluentd output plugin

1. Create table in BigObject

CREATE TABLE sales (`id` INT32, 'order_id' INT32, '' INT32, '' INT32, 'channel_name' STRING, 'Date' DATETIME32, 'qty' INT64, 'total_price' DOUBLE)

2. Setup the configuration in fluentd.conf

<match myreplica.**>
  type bigobject

  log_level info

  # specify the bigobject host/port to connect to
  bigobject_hostname $yourhost
  bigobject_port $yourport

  remove_tag_prefix myreplica.
  flush_interval 10s

      table sales
      pattern sales

      #bo_primary_key_is_int true #defualts to false
      column_mapping id, order_id,,, channel_name, Date, qty, total_price

Reload the fluentd configuration and the sales table should be now replicated from MySQL.

3. Have fun & Enjoy